Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Our Commitment

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSRP) of Huacomm is to integrate our business value and prospect with expectations of our society and stakeholders. As being a responsible part of our community, we recognize our operations may have social, environmental or economic impacts which we promise to take appropriate actions in every decision, as stated in this CSRP for our commitment in compliance with legal standards and working towards to best industry standards.

Business Ethics

• Be responsible to customers with an open and honest attitude about our services and keep customers' confidentiality.

• Not support in any anti-competitive practices to ensure fair play.

• Work against corruption in all its forms, including bribery and extortion.

Human and Labour Rights

• Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.

• Uphold the effective abolition of child labour and elimination of all forms of forced labour.

• Provide a safe and clean working environment.

• Uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

• Forbid any sexual, physical or mental harassment.

• Uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.


• Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.

• Promote greater environmental responsibility.

• Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.